Life is a constant pursuit of happiness, fulfilment, and meaning. Yet, despite our best efforts, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of suffering, dissatisfaction, and confusion. Why does this happen? Swami Mukundananda, in his profound teachings based on the wisdom of Shree Krishna, explains that our biggest impediment to knowing God is Maya—the divine illusion that governs the material world. Understanding Maya and its influence on us is key to realizing the ultimate plan to reach Shree Krishna and making the right choice in our spiritual journey.
The Role of Maya: The Great Illusion

Swamiji explains that Maya is the material energy that veils the truth of God from our perception. The term "Maya" itself is derived from Sanskrit, where Ma means "not" and Ya means "is." In other words, Maya represents that which is not real. It creates a false perception of reality, leading us to believe that worldly pleasures, material possessions, and ego-driven accomplishments are the sources of true happiness.
Ved Vyasa, in the Bhagwat, describes how Maya consists of three modes (gunas) – sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance). These qualities keep individuals bound to material consciousness and prevent them from realizing their divine nature. Maya is not just a passive force; it keeps us engrossed in material pursuits and makes us distant from God.
The Two Functions of Maya

Swamiji emphasizes that Maya serves two critical functions in our lives:
- Creating a Playground for Souls Unwilling to Surrender to God: Those who refuse to accept divine authority and instead believe themselves to be the ultimate enjoyers are given an environment where they can act as their own gods. This world, with all its distractions and temptations, becomes a stage where they can pursue their desires without acknowledging the supreme reality.
- Ensuring That We Learn Through Experience: While Maya grants the illusion of independence, it also ensures that true happiness remains elusive. Despite material success, people continue to experience inner emptiness, dissatisfaction, and suffering. This suffering serves as a divine nudge, guiding individuals back toward God.
The Inescapable Nature of Suffering Without God

The misconception that worldly success equates to happiness is a common trap. Many people wonder why those who engage in unethical or immoral activities seem to be prosperous. However, Swamiji assures us that external appearances can be deceptive. While someone may appear to have everything—wealth, fame, power—their internal state may be one of turmoil, anxiety, and discontent.
Tulsidasji, the great saint-poet, beautifully conveys this idea in the Ramayana: “With back to God, nobody can ever be happy.” This means that even if we try to seek happiness independently, it is an impossible endeavor. Even in extreme circumstances, where fire may emerge from ice, it remains an eternal truth that a soul disconnected from God will never find real peace.
Maya ensures that even the wealthiest and most powerful individuals experience suffering in some form—be it through relationships, health, business failures, or mental struggles. No matter how much one amasses materially, the inner void remains unfulfilled unless one surrenders to God.
Maya as a Servant of God

A significant insight that Swamiji provides is that Maya is not an enemy but a servant of God. It has been designed to help souls evolve spiritually.
God has two kinds of servants:
- Saints and Spiritual Guides: These are individuals who actively work to spread divine knowledge and help others develop devotion toward God. They serve as beacons of light, sharing the science of happiness and the path to true bliss.
- Maya: When people ignore or reject spiritual wisdom, Maya plays a corrective role by ensuring they face challenges, setbacks, and disappointments. These experiences gradually instill detachment from the material world and encourage individuals to seek a higher purpose.
The Importance of Detachment or Vairagya
To fully grasp the significance of spiritual enlightenment, one must develop vairagya (detachment). This detachment does not mean renouncing life’s responsibilities but rather understanding the impermanent nature of worldly pleasures.
Swamiji explains that suffering serves as a catalyst for renunciation. When people experience setbacks, betrayals, or failures, they begin to question the very foundations of their happiness. This questioning leads to introspection and, eventually, a search for God.
Shree Krishna highlights this in the Bhagavad Gita when he says that Maya is perceived only in the absence of divine consciousness. However, Maya itself is sustained by God’s energy. The more one turns toward God, the less influence Maya has over them.
How to Overcome Maya and Choose God
Since Maya is a powerful force, overcoming its influence requires conscious effort and divine grace. Swamiji provides practical steps to break free from illusion and embrace the divine path:
- Develop Faith in God: Trust that true happiness and fulfillment come from surrendering to the supreme power. Strengthen your faith through prayers, scriptures, and spiritual discourses.
- Seek the Guidance of Saints: Saints and enlightened masters provide invaluable wisdom that can accelerate your spiritual progress. Listen to their teachings and apply them in daily life.
- Practice Devotion (Bhakti Yoga): Engaging in devotional practices such as chanting, meditation, and worship can help purify the mind and keep it aligned with divine consciousness.
- Cultivate Detachment: Understand that material wealth, status, and relationships are temporary. Strive for spiritual growth rather than transient pleasures.
- Surround Yourself with Satsang: Association with spiritually inclined individuals strengthens one’s determination and keeps the mind focused on God.
The Ultimate Choice: Embracing Shree Krishna’s Plan

A Crossroad of Choices: The Illusion of Wealth or the Path to Inner Peace—Which Way Will You Go?
The essence of Swamiji’s teaching is that God has given us free will—we have the choice to remain engrossed in material illusions or to seek a deeper connection with the divine. If we choose God, we unlock a life of peace, wisdom, and eternal joy. If we ignore this divine opportunity, Maya ensures that we learn through experience, albeit in a much more difficult way.
Shree Krishna’s ultimate plan is not to punish but to guide every soul toward self-realization. The struggles and setbacks we face are simply signposts directing us back to our true nature as eternal beings connected to the divine.
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Choose God today and experience the ultimate bliss that Shree Krishna has planned for you!