The world is a canvas painted with miracles, extraordinary beauty, and divine wonders. Yet, most of us navigate life oblivious to these marvels. Swami Mukundananda’s teachings shine a light on these divine mysteries, helping us uncover and embrace the miracles that surround us. This blog explores his insights, guiding us toward a heightened awareness of the divine in our lives.
Recognizing the Miracles Around Us: The Joshua Bell Experiment

One of the most thought-provoking examples shared by Swami Mukundananda is the story of Joshua Bell, a world-renowned violinist. As part of an experiment by the Washington Post, Bell dressed in plain clothes, performed anonymously in a metro station. His exquisite music, typically commanding concert ticket prices of hundreds of dollars, went largely unnoticed by the thousands of commuters rushing past, paying no heed to his captivating music. Only a handful paused to listen, and just a few tossed coins into his case.
This experiment underscores a powerful truth: miracles often unfold around us, but we are too consumed by our routines to notice. Swami Mukundananda connects this blindness to the power of Maya, God’s illusory force that veils our perception of the divine because we have turned away from Him. The miracles of God are omnipresent, yet our distracted minds fail to perceive them.
Expanding our Perception: The Role of Yogamaya

Swamiji delves deeper into the divine mechanism behind these miracles by describing the unfathomable power of God’s Yogamaya Shakti, described in Chapter 9, Verse 5 of the Bhagavad Gita. Yogamaya is God’s personal divine energy, distinct from the external Maya that creates the material world. Yogamaya embodies infinite love, knowledge, grace, and bliss, enabling God to manifest his divine presence in ways that remain hidden from ordinary perception.
Through Yogamaya, God achieves the seemingly impossible:
1. Concealing and Revealing Divinity: Despite residing within every being, God remains hidden, veiling his presence with Yogamaya until the time souls become “sanmukh” or turn toward God. This allows us to develop longing, exercise free will, and embark on a journey of spiritual discovery.
2. Manifesting Divine Realms: Yogamaya is the creative force behind God’s divine abode, such as Golok, where divine beauty and bliss surpass human imagination. The only way to even remotely experience such bliss is to engage in guided meditations by Swamiji, freely available on his YouTube channel or via the Radha Krishna Bhakti app.
3. Records Karma: Yogamaya enables God to flawlessly record the karm of every soul, a task that surpasses even the most advanced computational technologies.
Miracles in Everyday Life: Stories of Divine Wonder

Swamiji’s storytelling brings the abstract concepts of Yogamaya to life. One such tale involves a man and his dog. The man discovered that his dog could walk on the water surface of a pond or lake, an extraordinary feat. Yet when he demonstrated this miracle to his neighbor, the neighbor only remarked on the dog’s inability to swim. This humorous anecdote illustrates how miracles often go unnoticed due to our limited knowledge of God’s divine creation and materially conditioned responses.
Another example lies in the natural world. Swamiji describes the stunning beauty of America’s landscapes, from the towering redwoods of California to the majestic Rocky Mountains and the serene beaches of Florida. These natural wonders are expressions of God’s creative genius, yet we often fail to see them as miraculous manifestations.
Experiencing God’s Bliss Amid Chaos

While humans struggle to manage even minor responsibilities without stress, God governs the universe with boundless grace and bliss. Swamiji attributes this to God’s Hladini Shakti, a divine power that ensures God remains in a state of eternal joy, unperturbed by the actions and inactions of countless souls.
This contrast between divine equilibrium and human anxiety serves as a reminder of the transformative power of surrendering to God’s will. By aligning ourselves with divine energy, we can rise above the stresses of worldly life and experience a taste of divine bliss.
Practical Steps to Embrace God’s Miracles
Swamiji offers practical guidance for awakening to the miracles of God:
1. Cultivate Gratitude: Start each day by acknowledging the blessings in your life, from the gift of health to the beauty of nature.
2. Practice Awareness: Set aside time to observe the world with a mindful eye, seeking signs of divine intervention in your daily experiences.
3. Study Scriptures: Dive into the wisdom of scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita to deepen your understanding of divine concepts such as Yogamaya and Hladini Shakti.
4. Engage in Devotion: Strengthen your connection to God through Daily Sadhana that includes prayer, meditation, connection with divine knowledge, and acts of service.
5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Engage with spiritual communities and resources, such as Swamiji’s teachings, to nurture your spiritual growth.
The Science of Divine Perception
Modern science often aligns with spiritual teachings, offering tools to enhance our perception of divine energy. For example, studies on mindfulness and meditation reveal their ability to sharpen awareness and foster a sense of connection to something greater. Swamiji’s teachings integrate these practices, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding.
The Ultimate Miracle: Transformation Through Devotion
The greatest miracle of all lies in the transformation of the human heart. Through devotion and surrender to God, we transcend the limitations of ego and Maya, experiencing a profound connection to the divine. Swami Mukundananda emphasizes that this inner transformation is both a gift from God and a testament to the power of Yogamaya.
Conclusion: Embark on Your Spiritual Journey
The miracles of God are not confined to grand events; they permeate every moment of existence. By opening our hearts and minds to these divine works, we embark on a journey of spiritual awakening, discovering the boundless love and grace that underlie our world.
Call to Action
To deepen your understanding and explore more of Swamiji’s insights, subscribe to Swamiji’s YouTube channel. With an extensive collection of talks, meditations, and spiritual practices, it’s a treasure trove for seekers yearning to uncover the miracles of God. Click here to subscribe now and embrace the divine in your life!