Live Kirtan

Kirtan is soulful devotional singing, praising God, and expressing a wide range of devotional sentiments through the waves of song and music. It is said in the scriptures and reiterated by sages, that in the dark ages of Kali Yug, the easiest way to deepen your relationship with God is through chanting of his names and remembering Him while meditating on his form. Experience the bliss of the sweet melodies, let them kindle devotion in your heart.


7 PM to 7.30 PM

Soulful Kirtan


7:30 PM to 8 PM

Soulful Kirtan


7 PM to 7.30 PM

Soulful Kirtan


7:30 PM to 8 PM

Soulful Kirtan


7 PM to 7.30 PM

Soulful Kirtan


7:30 PM to 8 PM

Soulful Kirtan