From the Editor’s Desk
The invincible power of faith paves the way for an inspiration-filled journey. Faith is the decision of the intellect based on technically sound knowledge that eventually leads to God-realization. While difficult to describe, with blessings from our Guru, we attempt to explain the meaning of deep and resolute faith in God. The absolute belief that God can do anything that appears impossible to us, is the basis for a deep knowledge-based faith. It is resolute faith that is the seed of selfless devotion.
Inspired by the desire to implement the Vedic knowledge (i.e., tatvagyan) taught by Swami Mukundananda, this month’s Samarpan focuses on some deeper concepts and tools for application that are likely to help develop resolute faith. We just need to create the hunger for deep faith and God will bestow it upon the souls.

Vedic Wisdom & Application
Challenge of the Month
The Invincible Power of Faith
Reflection Questions
- What does it mean to have Faith in God?
- What Kinds of Things Adversely Affect Faith?
- How does Faith Transform Our Lives?
- What can We do When We Seem to be Losing Faith?
In the October 2022 issue of Samarpan, we discussed the importance of faith in spirituality. We addressed three critical questions including “What is Faith? Why is it Important to Have Faith in God? and How Can We Develop Faith in God?” In this issue, we take the discussion further to address deeper concepts related to the power of faith, what kinds of things affect faith adversely, how faith transforms people, and what to do when our faith is shaken.
What does it Mean to Have Faith in God?
Bhakti saints teach us to develop a personal relationship with God to enhance our devotional sentiments, and faith is the means through which we begin to develop that relationship. Swamiji says that deep faith in God is reflected in the mind’s exclusive attachment to God at all times. At present, we are still under Maya because our faith in God is weak. When we firmly believe without a shadow of a doubt that God is the creator, the ocean of bliss, our eternal father, the possessor of infinite shaktis, is all-pervading, seated in our hearts, and presents us with circumstances to elevate our soul, we will attain Him. This is an example of unshakable faith that increases devotion and love for God/Guru.
All of us reading this issue may believe in the existence of God but our belief is shallow. In other words, our faith waivers from time to time especially when we face challenging situations. There is a difference between having the knowledge of God and translating that knowledge into practice. An example of total conviction in the words of the Guru is that of Ratnakar. When Narad Muni told him to sit and chant the name of Lord Ram, all he could do was to chant the name in reverse. However, his faith in the words of his newfound Guru, Narad Muni, was unflinching and he did as was asked without a single question like, “For how long must I sit and chant?” or “When will you return?” We all know that Ratnakar followed his Guru’s instructions until his faith attracted divine grace and he transformed into Saint Valmiki.

When Ratnakar was showered with divine grace, the material gunas (i.e., sattva, rajas, and tamas) were destroyed. His faith was reposed in God alone. Shree Krishna explained to Arjun that the direction of our life depends upon where we repose our faith.
सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत |
श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषो यो यच्छ्रद्ध: स एव स: || 3||
sattvanurupa sarvasya shraddha bhavati bharata
shraddha-mayo ‘yam purusho yo yach-chhraddhah sa eva sah
The faith of all humans conforms to the nature of their mind. All people possess faith, and whatever the nature of their faith, that is verily what they are (BG 17.3)
In the commentary on this verse, Swamiji beautifully expounded on this concept by clarifying the symbiotic relationship between faith and the nature of the mind. If the intellect is convinced that fame, glory, or wealth are crucial for success in life, they will passionately pursue these for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, when people are convinced of the importance of upholding high moral values and leading by example, their lives are dedicated toward a meaningful goal. For example, Mahatma Gandhi’s strong beliefs and faith transformed others around him when he launched the satyagrah (i.e., firmly holding on to the truth) and ahinsa (i.e., non-violence) movement. Such is the power of faith and conviction. Similarly, those who are convinced that the purpose of life is to attain God will exert all their energies toward spiritual goals.
What Kinds of Things Adversely Affect Faith?
All spiritual aspirants go through stages where their faith fluctuates. While there are many reasons for loss of faith, we present some broad categories as risk factors.
- Blind Faith. This is when one’s faith is based on anything other than the infallible divine knowledge of the scriptures. One example of blind faith is when it is reposed upon the fulfillment of selfish desires – material or spiritual. When those desires are satisfied, the faith is maintained but when not met, then it dwindles. Let us understand this point a little more.
There are people who engage in devotion because they believe that it is a means to gain access to worldly possessions. In the absence of true knowledge, when their material desires are not fulfilled, their faith is lost and they give up on God/Guru.
Similarly, there are times when God/Guru tests a spiritual aspirant’s devotion or selflessness by behaving in adverse ways. He may vacillate between showering affection, appearing indifferent, or expressing anger. Those with blind faith may question such behavior and in the extreme case, the faith may waver or eradicate.
In the absence of knowledge-based faith, spiritual aspirants will very easily fall into the dangerous trap of questioning the knowledge of the scriptures, the Guru who imparts the knowledge, and the path of spirituality itself. As Shree Krishna explained to Arjun, “One who always doubts scriptural knowledge, cannot find peace or success in the spiritual path” (Bhagavad Gita, verse 4.40).
- Misinterpreting Difficulties in Life. Most of us are raised to believe that God’s blessings are evident in a comfortable or luxurious lifestyle or the absence of miseries in life. Miseries are perceived as a reflection of God’s lack of love, punishment for sins, or indifference for some reason. People pray for the removal of miseries and ask for blessings in the form of wealth, health, and good fortune.
Such beliefs are a gross misinterpretation because our scriptures state the contrary. When God wants to bestow particular grace upon souls, He eradicates their material attachments, whether they appear in the form of infamy, loss of wealth, ill health, or loss of a loved one. Dire circumstances shake one’s faith in God/Guru, especially when one’s faith is not based on scriptural knowledge but on popular beliefs. In 7 Mindsets to Success, Happiness and Fulfillment, Swamiji explained that setbacks and difficulties should be perceived as opportunities to learn and grow. Such beliefs and faith can be developed only through the acquisition and implementation of the true knowledge of the scriptures under a Guru’s guidance.
Complacency. When we experience an increase in devotion, we tend to become complacent and get knocked down or badly bruised by Maya Devi’s attacks through difficulties in life. This is when we are at the highest risk where our faith could fluctuate or dwindle. Thus, it is crucial to not be complacent when life goes smoothly or we are surrounded by people who shower love and praise. In fact, Swamiji says that we must be wary of false flattery or praise because it can lead to complacency about the amount of effort made for spiritual growth. Complacency can also result from the (false) belief that our faith and devotion have resulted in a hassle-free life. The sense of doership on the spiritual path robs us of our humility and makes us vulnerable to the hard knocks of life.
Kusang. Faith is also adversely affected by kusang or bad association in the form of noxious people, destructive objects, or negative thoughts, or anything that deters one from the spiritual path. Kusang corrupts the intellect with erroneous knowledge where a person is unable to use discrimination (i.e., vivek) to make rational judgments, causing the faith to waver or fall. In such situations, spiritual aspirants are likely to damage their relationship with God/Guru. As Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj said:
कुसंग में पड़ जाने पर स्वयं मन-बुद्धि का भी तदनुकुल ही निर्णय हो जाता है,
जिससे साधक स्वयं अपनी बुद्धि से निर्णय नहीं कर पाता कि मैं कुसंग में पड़ गया हूँ ।When one falls in bad association the decision of the intellect changes accordingly. Therefore, the spiritual aspirant is unable to judge with his own intellect that he has fallen into wrong association.
All said and done, the beauty of the Bhakti path is that with proper exposure to true knowledge under the guidance of a true Guru, shaken or lost faith in God can be rekindled and spiritual aspirants can find their way back to connect with the divine.
How does Faith Transform Our Lives?
Faith or shraddha is the decision of the intellect based on technically sound knowledge. When we internalize the divine knowledge of the scriptures from the Guru, the quality of faith transforms into one that is highly inspiring, uplifting, and results in positivity. Swamiji quotes verse 13 from the Kathopanishad and explains the meaning:
अस्तीत्येवोपलब्धव्यस्तत्त्वभावेन चोभयोः।
अस्तीत्येवोपलब्धस्य तत्त्वभावः प्रसीदति ॥
astityevopalabdhavyastattvabhavena cobhayoh
astityevopalabdhasya tattvabhavah prasidati
The day you believe in the definition of God, that very day you will become God-realized
The power of faith in transforming our lives should not be underestimated. Swamiji says that we just need to create the hunger for deep and unshakable faith and God will bestow it upon the souls. Here are some ways in which deep faith transforms lives.
- Inspiration to Implement Divine Knowledge. Once we have acquired true knowledge, it is essential to implement the knowledge and practice it repeatedly. True knowledge, even though divine, is of no use unless implemented. Swamiji explains in his lectures that the end of knowledge is deep faith, devotion, and love for God/Guru.
In a beautiful Pad-Vyakhya of a lovely bhajan written by Shree Maharajji, “Tuma Mere Thè, Mere Ho, Mere Rahoge,” Swamiji describes the sentiments that devotees should possess to increase their love for God. The very compelling line, “…bahakun na aba bahakane se; jaba samajha prema men duba gayi, taba kya hoga samajhane se,” translates to, “O Lord, even if You try to dissuade me or push me away from You, I will not be dissuaded, because Your grace equipped me with the knowledge of my eternal relationship with You.”
Such resolute faith enables devotees to surrender to God/Guru. Their faith will not vanquish during difficult times. This point is reinforced in the 7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self where true love is defined as the state where there is a reason for the love to be destroyed, yet it remains impervious and selfless. This is the outcome of knowledge-based faith which all spiritual aspirants must practice repeatedly to be graced with divine love for God.

- Internal Realizations. Love and devotion to God/Guru is the ultimate goal of a spiritual aspirant. True knowledge, faith, and devotion are interdependent, and an increase in one aspect leads to increases in the other aspects. These qualities are divine whereas our intellect is material. Thus, God/Guru grace our spiritual efforts through internal realizations that enable us to advance in devotion. Such realizations create worldly detachment and attachment to the divine realm.
In the Narad Bhakti Darshan series, we learned that In the final stage of spiritual elevation, the knowledge of God merges into devotional love where the devotee forgets the Almightiness of God. They perceive Him as their friend, child, and beloved. Narad Muni explains the symbiotic relationship between true knowledge, faith, devotion and love for God. These divine qualities surface from internal realizations by practicing the knowledge with humility (i.e., devoid of pride).
- Grace of Divine Faith. When we place our faith in the holy scriptures and the words (i.e., vaani) of God and Guru, they equip us with deeper faith. Divine faith is the result of divine grace alone. For example, the Bhagavad Gita – The Song of God is no ordinary text. If we believe in the power of the words of Lord Krishna, our faith will become reposed in the sacred scripture as the manual for life. As Shree Krishna explained to Arjun:
श्रीभगवानुवाच |
पार्थ नैवेह नामुत्र विनाशस्तस्य विद्यते |
न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद्दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति || 40||shri bhagavan uvacha
partha naiveha namutra vinashas tasya vidyate
na hi kalyana-krit kashchid durgatim tata gachchhatiThe Supreme Lord said: O Parth, one who engages on the spiritual path does not meet with destruction either in this world or the world to come. My dear friend, one who strives for God-realization is never overcome by evil (BG 6.40)
Divine faith is further graced through protection from God. Swamiji explains in his commentary on this verse that “Such devotees are dear to God because they engage in the most auspicious kind of activity, and the doer of good never comes to grief.” God protects His devotees not just in one lifetime but all lifetimes until they complete their spiritual journey. This is how faith transforms our lives.
- Selfless Divine Love for God/Guru. The ultimate grace of God/Guru is conferring selfless divine love upon the devotees. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said that the state of true love for God is when even a moment without His darshan appears like an age, and unbridled tears of love roll down the eyes in the pain of separation. Similarly, Saint Tulsidas also explained that when our love for God intensifies to the point that our material senses do not hanker anymore for the objects that please the five senses. This is the evidence of knowledge-based faith and love for God.;
Selfless love does not seek reciprocation. It is about serving God/Guru in the form of time, effort, faith, devotion, and love, for His happiness. When doing any form of seva or service, we must try to invoke the quality of devotion by humbly expressing deep and sincere gratitude for all the graces bestowed upon us. Then, God/Guru protects their accrued spiritual assets forever. As Shree Krishna told Arjun:
अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जना: पर्युपासते |
तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् || 22||ananyash chintayanto mam ye janaḥ paryupasate
tesham nityabhiyuktanam yoga-kshemam vahamyaham“There are those who always think of Me and engage in exclusive devotion to Me. To them, whose minds are always absorbed in Me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they already possess.” (BG, 9.22)
What can We do When We Seem to be Losing Faith?
This section summarizes the key points that we already know regarding what to do when our faith in God/Guru shakes up due to unprecedented events in life.

Tools for Your Personal Growth
All spiritual aspirants go through stages in life where their faith fluctuates, especially when faced with challenging situations that appear to be insurmountable at the time. In the above section (Vedic Wisdom) summarized some key points to review and practice when our faith in God/Guru shakes up.
We have provided a few examples to get you started. Use this tool to practice application of divine knowledge to stabilize and deepen faith.
A downloadable tracking sheet available for you to use.

All spiritual aspirants go through stages in life where their faith fluctuates. Use this tool to practice application of divine knowledge to stabilize and deepen faith.

Love to Hear from You
- How did you apply the Vedic Wisdom?
- What challenges did you experience in the process?
Please share your comments under “Join the Discussion” below.

Gems of Wisdom from Swamiji
Here are a few YouTube video titles, website links, and books where Swamiji has described the power of faith.
- Developing Strong Faith in God – Watch THIS Inspiring Story
- How to Overcome Lack of FAITH? Lord Krishna Reveals
- Swami Mukundananda Exclusive (SMEx) – Episode 67 – Cultivating Faith (September 13, 2023)
- Mukundananda, S. (2022). The Power of Thoughts, Penguin Random House: Gurugram, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2022). Bhagavad Gita – The Song of God, Westland Publications: Chennai, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2021). 7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self, HarperCollins Publishers: Noida, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2019). 7 Mindsets for Success Happiness and Fulfillment, Westland: New Delhi, India.

Hold Your Breath! Check out Upcoming Events
We are very excited to share information on the upcoming spiritual retreat with Swamiji!

JKYog’s East Coast Retreat
There is no other spiritual experience like a retreat with Swamiji. Soak in the bliss of divine knowledge from the remaining verses of Chapter 9 of the Bhagavad Gita in the last U.S. spiritual retreat with Swamiji this year!
Swamiji demystifies so many difficult and contradictory concepts through his divine lectures and Q&A sessions. In addition, chanting soulful bhajans and reflecting on the purpose of our existence leads to detoxification of the mind and purification of the heart. It is your opportunity to disconnect from the material world to engage in devotional sadhana without any external distractions. You have an opportunity to engage in yoga, delivers divine lectures, answers questions of devotees, and so much more.
Here are the details:
- Dates: October 7 to 9, 2023
- Location: Hilton Garden Inn Baltimore/White Marsh, 5015 Campbell Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21236
- Registration: https://www.jkyog.org/mdretreat
- Contact: Swapna Hari (860-280-5393) or Rohini Ramakrishnan (484-620-4345)

Voices from the Global Community
JKYog’s e-Journal Samarpan inspires the community by introducing you to members who have been impacted by the scriptural knowledge taught and disseminated by Swamiji. Two devotees, Smitha Mannadiar and Dr. Sandhya Bhatia, describe how Swamiji’s teachings have deepened their faith as they travel through the spiritual journey.

We invite you to share your inspirations and success stories with us at [email protected].

JKYog Transforming Communities
Here, we typically share the amazing activities and news about programs conducted by various JKYog centers in the U.S.
JKYog has transformed the lives of countless people across the world by offering scores of free classes for adults, youth and children. These classes are designed to enhance spiritual our knowledge, cultural stewardship and devotion. These classes exclusively for the benefit of the global community. There is something for everyone. We invite you to participate and connect with like-minded people.
Taxonomy of Classes
- Pure Knowledge of the Vedic Scriptures: There are numerous classes in this category including a variety of Bhagavad Gita offerings, Vedic philosophy, Patanjali Yog Sutra, and Scriptural Reading classes, etc.
- Human Excellence: There are several classes in this category including: Put It To Practice With Swamiji, Morning Gems with Swamiji, Book Clubs, etc.
- Meditation: Two separate classes for both adults and children
- Satsang: This includes classes at least five focused on chanting and kirtans including
- Yoga and Lifestyle: There are a myriad of Yoga and Pranayam classes offered by the Prem Yoga Community, Holistic Wellbeing Workshop, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, The Art & Science of Breathing and Children’s Yoga
- Other Varied Interest Classes: The sessions in this category range from devotional poojas and chanting sessions to Sanskrit language.
The classes are classified by both by the category and the day of the week with all four time zones for your convenience.

Glimpses of Past Events
Want a glimpse of some of our events? This month we share beautiful glimpses of JKYog’s Dallas Retreat.