Throughout history, bhakti saints have illuminated the world with their devotion, wisdom, and exemplary lives. These saints embodied virtues that are timeless and universal, inspiring countless individuals to walk the path of devotion and righteousness.
Shree Swami Mukundananda ji’s latest book, Nourish Your Soul: Inspirations from and Lives of Great Saints, delves into the lives and teachings of some of these extraordinary souls who lived up to the highest of ideals. This book is not just a collection of heartwarming stories – it is a treasure trove of practical wisdom that can help transform our lives.
In this blog, we explore five key themes that exemplify the lives of a few bhakti saints, drawing from their messages to reveal pathways to spiritual growth and fulfillment. Even though all five spiritual principles are interrelated, each also stands on its own merit as a tool for aspirants interested in absorbing practical wisdom taught by Swamiji in the book.
1. Unwavering Faith and Devotion
Unwavering faith and devotion means loving God with complete surrender and making Him the center of all thoughts and actions. This love is not dependent on circumstances – it persists through joy and hardship alike. Such faith stems from a belief that we will attain God who is the creator of infinite universes, the reservoir of divine bliss, our eternal caretaker, the possessor of infinite shaktis, and the all-pervading entity. He is seated in our hearts and presents us with all kinds of circumstances for our elevation. This knowledge increases devotion and love for God. Swamiji says that deep faith in God is reflected in the mind’s exclusive attachment to God at all times.
Unshakeable faith and devotion to God is the cornerstone of every bhakti saint's life. A stellar example is Sant Soordas, a prominent poet-saint from India, whose unshakable faith and devotion to Shree Radha Krishna sustained him through numerous personal trials. Despite being blind, he became one of the most celebrated saints and poets of the Bhakti movement. His blindness did not deter him from seeing the world in a way that others could not – he "perceived" everything with his heart. His devotion was more attuned to the divine presence than those with physical sight. His spiritual vision enabled him to compose beautiful devotional bhajans that expressed his intense love for Shree Krishna.
In a beautiful pastime, Soordasji’s Guru, Shree Vallabhacharya, who was immensely pleased with his disciple’s devotion, arranged for him to live in a village called Parasuli, near Govardhan. As part of his daily routine, Soordas would go to the temple and sing bhajans to please Shrinathji, a form of Shree Krishna. A young lad by the name of Gopal was assigned to take care of his needs. One day, it so happened that when Soordas was eating his meal, some food got stuck in his throat and he started to choke. He called out to Gopal to bring him some water. However, Gopal had already left but unknown to Soordas, the bhakta vatsala, Bhagavan Shrinathji appeared and handed him water in His gold glass.
The next day, when the priests noticed that the Lord’s gold glass was missing, there was an uproar. They wondered who had stolen it. Searching for it all over the village, when they came to Soordasji’s house, they found the glass. When they inquired about how the gold glass happened to be there, Soordas realized that God Himself had benevolently appeared to protect him from choking. He was overwhelmed and his devotion intensified.
Here is another very sweet story of Soordas narrated by Swamiji.
Test of True Devotion of Soordas
Readers can savor many more beautiful pastimes from Swamiji’s book.
Gems of Practical Wisdom To Cultivate Faith and Devotion:
- Bhakti allows us to experience divine love and feel a connection to something greater than ourselves. From Soordas, we learn that devotion, in whatever form it takes, becomes transformational. Whether through prayer, bhajan, meditation, or service, devotion can guide us on our spiritual journey and sustain us through life's challenges. Unshakable faith and devotion are a natural consequence of selfless love for God.
- We also learn that true vision comes from within, not just from the eyes. While the material world often emphasizes external appearances, spiritual insight allows us to perceive the essence of life. Soordas taught us to seek inner vision – the ability to see the truth beyond the material, which is far more valuable than physical sight. In times of hardship, this internal perception can guide us with clarity and wisdom.
- Soordas taught us the power of acceptance. Life undoubtedly presents us with adversities, but by viewing them as opportunities for growth, transformation, and closeness to the divine, we can navigate these with the spirit of surrender. Acceptance rather than resistance brings a sense of calm and clarity.
2. Humility as the Gateway to Divinity
Humility is the recognition that all accomplishments and abilities are gifts from God. It helps us dissolve the ego, making space for divine grace to enter our lives. Devoid of humility, it is impossible to surrender to God/Guru. Therefore, the foundation of all spiritual practices is humbleness.
Humble individuals are less likely to be disturbed by external circumstances because they accept life’s uncertainties with equanimity. Their inner tranquility creates a conducive environment to benefit from spiritual practices, leading to deeper states of consciousness. All bhakti saints embodied humility. A perfect example is that of Sant Tukaram.
Sant Tukaram, one of the most revered saints from Maharashtra, India, is most known for his unwavering devotion to Panduranga Vitthal Dev (a form of Shree Krishna). His profound contributions to the Bhakti movement were through his abhangas or devotional poetry. Despite his deep spiritual wisdom and poetic talents, Tukaram remained humble. He never sought recognition or fame, and often expressed his unworthiness, emphasizing that he was a mere instrument of God’s will. His humility was a key element of his devotion and was noticeably reflected in his actions and his poetry.

Sant Tukaram referred to himself as an unworthy servant of God, dependent entirely on His mercy. In a beautiful story, one time, his village was gripped by a terrible drought. He traveled to another village with bags of chilies to sell and earn some money. All along he chanted the names of Rukhmini Vitthal. Upon reaching his destination, he spread his wares contemplating the forms of God. When the villagers gathered and asked the price, absorbed in devotional thoughts, he told them to take what they wanted at the usual price. All the villagers took whatever and how much they wanted either on credit or paying next to nothing until all the sacks of goods were empty.
Later, when Tukaram was lost in his thoughts, a stranger arrived, introduced himself as Tukaram’s representative, and went to all the villagers to collect what they owed Tukaram. People made a variety of excuses about not remembering how much they took or what they paid, he told each person the precise amount they owed. He collected the money, brought it to Tukaram, and quietly departed. Later, when the villagers met Tukaram and asked about his representative, the saint realized that God Himself had come to protect his assets. His heart was overflowing with gratitude in realization of God’s compassion.
Here is another beautiful story narrated by Swamiji from his new book.
An Unheard Story of Sant Tukaram and Shivaji
Gems of Practical Wisdom To Develop Humility:
- Tukaram’s life teaches the power of resilience in the face of adversity. Instead of being consumed by grief or anger, he focused on his devotional practice. He showed us that we can endure loss and hardship if we accept impermanence in life and trust that every challenge is part of a larger divine plan. Acceptance and trust in the divine wisdom can provide us with the strength to move forward.
- He taught the importance of detachment from material possessions. True bliss, according to him, does not come from external wealth or status but from internal peace, achieved through devotion. We too can learn to focus more on contentment and growth from spirituality placing less importance on material success.
- Tukaram’s emphasis on personal devotion over external rituals encourages us to focus on the sincerity of our heart rather than formal practices. True devotion is about the purity of the heart and genuine love for the divine, not about outward appearances or social norms. It teaches us that spiritual practice is a deeply personal journey transcending societal divisions.
3. Resilience During Adversity
Life is not linear. It is characterized by joy and sorrow, triumph and tribulation. The spiritual journey itself is packed with obstacles that test our faith. It is in these moments that resilience becomes not just valuable, but essential. As Swamiji reminds us, God sends challenges into our lives not to break us, but to make us. Each adversity we face is an opportunity to deepen our understanding, strengthen our faith, and refine our character. By developing resilience, we equip ourselves to withstand and overcome trauma, rather than be overwhelmed and incapacitated.
The lives of all bhakti saints exemplify resilience – an indicator of their immense faith and trust in God’s protection. A prime example of this is Sant Kabirdas. Despite enormous adversity throughout his life, his resilience is a testament to the value of true knowledge and his commitment to follow his spiritual principles without making compromises.
Born into a low-caste family and adopted by a Muslim weaver, Kabirdas faced societal discrimination from an early age. Yet, he did not allow these circumstances to embitter him or deter him from his spiritual quest. Instead, he used these experiences to deepen his understanding of the unity of all beings and the illusory nature of worldly distinctions. Expressing his powerful beliefs through dohas or couplets that are extremely popular even today, Kabirdas taught many valuable lessons on the importance of internal devotion over external displays of religiosity. Listen to an excerpt from Swamiji:
Sant Kabir's Revolutionary Path to God
Kabirdasji's association with a Hindu Guru often brought him into conflict with both Hindu and Muslim orthodoxy. He was persecuted, ridiculed, and even faced attempts on his life. However, instead of responding with anger or despair, he maintained his equanimity and continued to spread his message of love and unity. In His book, Swamiji described several incidents that illustrate Kabirdasji's remarkable resilience. Ordered by the then-Muslim king Sikandar Lodi, the angry opponents tied Kabirdas up in chains and threw him into the Ganges. However, the waves miraculously broke the chains and he survived. They then tried to crush him under the weight of an elephant but Kabirdas perceived God in every living being. He was unharmed. This inspired Sikandar Lodi to become his follower.
These examples showcase Kabirdasji's unshakeable faith and resilience even in life-threatening situations. There are many lessons to learn from his life.
Gems of Practical Wisdom To Develop Resilience:
- Kabirdas teaches us that true resilience comes not from avoiding adversity, but from upholding our spiritual beliefs. His example reminds us that with faith and devotion, we can transform even the most challenging circumstances into opportunities for spiritual growth. His universal message of love was revolutionary and challenged societal hierarchies. The lesson is to practice inclusivity and compassion by recognizing the Divine in all individuals, transcending superficial differences.
- Kabirdas showed the courage to uphold truth and authenticity, even if it went against popular opinion or drew criticism. This is an important lesson for us. We tend to follow what is popular and focus more on being called good than becoming good from within and standing up for our beliefs.
- When criticized, Kabir responded with humility, acknowledging that he was but a servant of God, focused only on his duty to serve. We too can practice selfless seva, seeing all work as an offering to God, to develop detachment and equanimity. He epitomized the spiritual principle of Karmyog. By adopting simplicity and humility as a way of life, we can become resilient and undisturbed by external challenges.
4. Equality and Love for All Beings
Bhakti transcends boundaries of caste, creed, and social status, promoting the idea of oneness in all creation. It is this oneness that allows saints to perceive the divine in all living beings. An interesting story from the life of Sant Ramanujacharya exemplifies the principle of equality, prevalent amongst true Vaishnavites.
Ramanuj was initially a disciple of Guru Yadav Prakash. However, he constantly got into arguments with his Guru, whose interpretations of the divine scriptures were often inaccurate. Things got to the point where Yadav Prakash attempted to get his student killed out of anger and resentment for beating him in scriptural dialogs. After engaging in all kinds of repulsive behavior toward his student, Yadav Prakash asked Ramanuj to leave the Gurukul. However, Ramanuj did not hold any bitterness or grudge against his Guru.
Showing his resolute belief in equality, Ramanuj approached Kanchipurna to be his Guru even though he belonged to a lower caste. Ramanuj’s wife was repulsed by the idea of a Brahmin seeking a Guru of a lower caste. When on one occasion his wife profusely insulted Kanchipurna’s wife, Ramanuj renounced his wife and all worldly associations by taking sanyas. Under Kanchipurna’s tutelage, Ramanuj transformed into a scriptural scholar and came to be known as Ramanujacharya. He was believed to be an incarnation of Shree Lakshman (Shree Ram’s brother and an avatar of Anant-Shesh).

Another very interesting example appeared in the life of Sant Ramanujacharya and Yadav Prakash, his former Guru. Years later, when Ramanujacharya became very well-known and Yadav Prakash was at a standstill, the latter sincerely approached his former student, accepted his logic for why the Advait path was not suitable by itself, became his disciple, and was given the name, Govind Jeer.
Readers can savor many more inspirational stories on his life from Swamiji’s book.
Gems of Practical Wisdom To Equality and Love for All:
- Ramanujacharya did not hold any bitterness or grudge against his Guru Yadav Prakash even though his Guru had attempted to kill him for beating him in scriptural dialogs. Swamiji emphasizes that until one has overcome bitterness or the victim mentality, one has not entered the spiritual path.
- Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background. Like Kabirdas, Ramanujacharya also perceived all beings as manifestations of the same Divine entity and rejected distinctions based on religion, caste, or status.
5. Gratitude – Seeing Everything in Life as God’s Blessing
Swamiji beautifully elucidates that gratitude is the absence of vanity. It is a state of being where we recognize and appreciate the myriad blessings bestowed upon us, both grand and minute. Gratitude has the power to transform our perspective, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary blessings and challenges into opportunities for growth. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all beings and the abundant grace that flows through our lives.
The attitude of gratitude is essential for progressing on the spiritual path. It opens our hearts to receive divine grace and helps us recognize the hand of the Divine in every aspect of our lives. By embracing gratitude, we not only enhance our own lives but also become symbols of positivity and appreciation for those around us.
Gratitude was a central theme in the teachings of all the Bhakti Saints who found joy and divine love even in the most challenging circumstances. An example of this is Sant Ravidas. Having been cursed by his Guru in his previous life, Ravidasji remembered the circumstances in his current life. Even though this time he was born into a low-caste family because of the curse, Ravidas never complained about his circumstances. Instead, he expressed profound gratitude for the divine love he experienced by composing beautiful verses that reflected his gratitude for God's grace in his life. He was completely detached from material lures and his only goal was to engage in loving devotion to Shree Krishna. As in the case of other devotees, God always protected him from harm. Listen to a sweet narration of an interesting pastime from Swamiji, which is described in His book.
Can Your Song Move God? A Sweet Story of Sant Ravidas
Readers can savor many inspirational stories on Ravidas from Swamiji’s book.
Gems of Practical Wisdom To Develop Gratitude:
- We learn from Sant Ravidas that when devotion is genuine and pure, it can help us overcome any challenge. His unwavering faith in Shree Krishna was not contingent on external circumstances but on an internal connection. His surrender to God’s will enabled him to transcend fear, doubt, and suffering, leading to a life of peace and contentment.
- Like Sant Tukaram, Sant Ravidas was also detached from material possessions and social status. Like Sant Kabirdas, he too emphasized personal devotion over external rituals. He focused on the sincerity of the heart rather than formal practices.
The lives of bhakti saints are living inspirations that call us to awaken our inner selves in service to God. These saints showed us what it means to live with faith, devotion, humility, resilience, equality, and gratitude, in every thought and action. Their stories remind us that spirituality is not confined to rituals but to loving devotion to God regardless of adversities.
Call to Action
In Nourish Your Soul: Inspirations from and Lives of Great Saints, Swami Mukundananda brings these teachings to life, offering us practical guidance to lead richer, more purposeful lives. This book is not just for reading – it is for reflecting, imbibing, and living the ideals. When you open its pages, you will find not only the wisdom of the saints but also the tools to transform your own spiritual journey. Let the lives of these Saints inspire yours, and let this book become your companion on your spiritual path.
- Mukundananda, S. (2024). Nourish Your Soul: Inspirations from and Lives of Great Saints. Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd: New Delhi, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2024). Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism: Essence of the Vedic Scriptures. Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd: New Delhi, India.