From the Editor’s Desk
An essential component of spirituality is to practice the presence of God. While this may appear simple, it is one of the most challenging of all spiritual practices because materially conditioned souls are under the influence of Maya. Let us use the tatvagyan to understand and practice the presence of God.
It is also time to take a step back and reflect on our growth as spiritual aspirants as we commemorate the 1-year anniversary of JKYog’s e-Journal Samarpan. We invite you to share your thoughts and reflections in the Discussion Forum.

Vedic Wisdom & Application
Challenge of the Month
Practice the Presence of God
Reflection Questions
- What does it mean to Practice the Presence of God?
- Why can we not Practice the Presence of God even though He is omnipresent?
- How do we Practice the Presence of God?
What does it mean to Practice the Presence of God?
To practice the presence of God is to engage the mind in God regardless of the actions of the body. God is an ocean of bliss and when we bring Him in our mind and heart, we experience bliss to the same extent as the depth of our own devotion. Swami Mukundananda ji says that to practice the presence of God means to love Him intensely to the point that every action is an offering to God. The moment we forget God, the heart compels us to remember Him and the mind slowly diverts to real devotion. Everything reminds the devotee of God. When we hear a bird chirping or the clouds passing through the mountain peak, we think about the beauty of God’s creation. If we experience shock upon realizing that we forgot God even for a moment, we know that we are practicing the presence of God.
उपद्रष्टानुमन्ता च भर्ता भोक्ता महेश्वर: |
परमात्मेति चाप्युक्तो देहेऽस्मिन्पुरुष: पर: || 23||
upadraṣhṭānumantā cha bhartā bhoktā maheśhvaraḥ
paramātmeti chāpy ukto dehe ’smin puruṣhaḥ paraḥ
Within the body also resides the Supreme Lord. He is said to be the Witness, the Permitter, the Supporter, Transcendental Enjoyer, the ultimate Controller, and the Paramātmā (Supreme Soul) (Bhagavad Gita 13.23).
God is seated in our heart and makes a note of our karmas and bestows results of our thoughts and actions at an appropriate time. That’s how close we are to God. The mindset to develop is to always remember God at all times and never forget God at any time.
The concept of practicing the presence of God was introduced to the western world through the work of Brother Lawrence, a 17th century French monk, who had resided in a monastery for 40 years. He was assigned the job of cooking meals and scrubbing utensils. Even though he did not like these tasks, he did them for the love of God. When Brother Lawrence went about his mundane chores, he would engage in conversations with God as if He was physically present and did the chores with him. He wrote letters to God as a way to communicate. It was only after he passed, that his letters were discovered and published in a book entitled The Practice of the Presence of God.
Why can we not Practice the Presence of God even though He is omnipresent?
God is the soul of our soul. Even though He is seated in our heart, we are unable to feel His presence because we have turned our consciousness away from Him. We have become blind to extraordinary things because we fail to recognize the miracle of God which is evident in every atom of creation. Thus, God’s Yogmaya power keeps His divinity veiled from us until the time we become eligible for His divine vision.
नाहं प्रकाश: सर्वस्य योगमायासमावृत: |
मूढोऽयं नाभिजानाति लोको मामजमव्ययम् || 25||
nāhaṁ prakāśhaḥ sarvasya yoga-māyā-samāvṛitaḥ
mūḍho ’yaṁ nābhijānāti loko mām ajam avyayam
I am not manifest to everyone, being veiled by my divine Yogmaya energy. Hence, those without knowledge do not know that I am without birth and changeless (Bhagavad Gita 7.25).
We will become eligible to receive God’s divine grace only when we completely surrender to God with full humility. Until then, we can (a) deepen our faith by regularly participating in Satsangs with like-minded devotees, and (b) learn to practice the presence of God as a way to cleanse the dirty heart and purify our intentions for devotional service..
How do we Practice the Presence of God?
When we bring God into our divine consciousness not just during prayer, but also when engaged in any task, we will start to intuitively feel His presence if we believe that He is everywhere and a witness to my thoughts and actions. We need to change our internal outlook and start practicing Karmayog as a way to experience God’s presence.
As Jagadguru Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj has stated in the Bhakti Shatak (Verse 84):
मन हरि में तन जगत में, कर्मयोग तेहि जान।
तन हरि में मन जगत में, यह महा अज्ञान॥
Mana Hari Mein Tana Jagat Mein, Karmyog Tehi Jaan
Tana Hari Mein Mana Jagat Mein, Yah Maha Agyan.
Karmayog is the constant attachment of the mind to Shree Krishna while engaging the physical body in worldly duty. But the one who attaches the mind to the world and physically practices devotion to God is the greatest fool.
Swamiji has suggested some strategies to practice the presence of God.
- Develop a simple and pure heart. God only cares for purity of our intention and the simplicity of our devotional sentiments. We must learn to develop an intimate relationship with God instead of feeling awed by His opulence. Develop the sentiment that “He is mine and I am His.”
- Focused contemplation. Contemplate on these words: “O Lord, I am Your servant. You are the reason for my existence. You are in the temple, in my heart, and in every atom of creation, but I have lost consciousness of Your presence. You are my gati (goal), mati (intellect), rati (love), witness and protector.” With such loving sentiments, use the body to do the worldly work but keep the mind in God.
- Practice devotion in any bhav or sentiment. The path of bhakti follows the law of love. The law of love is proportionate in reciprocity to the extent of our love and devotion. In whichever bhav (i.e., dasya or servant, sakhya or friend, vatsalya or parent, madhurya or beloved) the devotee loves God, in that bhav the Lord reciprocates. The devotee forgets the reverence and loves God for His pleasure.
- Directly practice the presence of God. We can use techniques like roop-dhyan or visualization of the names, leelas (pastimes), virtues, abodes, and saints of God to attach the mind to God in a dynamic way. There are many guided meditations conducted by Swamiji to enable us to practice the presence of God.
- Make an hour-long mansik (in your mind) appointment with God and/or Guru. Schedule a time to interact with Him through conversations, to serve Him in the mind or to focus on His divine attributes. As we transition to real-world activities, invite Him to stay with you and help you to focus on Him as you navigate the mundane and pleasurable tasks.
- Take a short devotional break. Set an alarm on any device at different intervals of time throughout the day as a reminder to practice the presence of God. Take a short mental break to express gratitude for being able to focus on Him. We can gradually shorten the intervals to practice the presence of God more frequently.
- Express gratitude. We need to find time daily to note our devotional sentiments and practices in our gratitude journal. Expressing gratitude, experiencing humility, and finding joy and love in the divine connection will enable us to practice the presence of God with greater focus.
- Selfless love for God. The most foundational mindset is to love Him selflessly. Even when we ask God for devotional grace, our sentiment should be selfless – devotion for His pleasure not ours. Request God and Guru to guide you in the practice of the presence of God.

Tools for Your Personal Growth
It is not easy to practice the presence of God but awareness of what works and what does not work is a good first step! Increase self-awareness through this simple and practical tool.
A downloadable tracking sheet is available for you to help you to practice the presence of God. You can keep a printed or e-copy to track your progress. Remember, change takes time!

Love to Hear from You
- How did you apply the Vedic Wisdom?
- What challenges did you experience in the process?
Please share your comments under “Join the Discussion” below.

Gems of Wisdom from Swamiji
Here are some YouTube video titles where Swamiji describes how to practice the presence of God.
- Do this Every day to Achieve the Ultimate Goal of your Life | Daily Sadhana
- How Can We Understand the Leelas of God? | Pastimes of God | Q&A with Swami Mukundananda

Hold Your Breath! Check out Upcoming Events
We are very excited to share with you, three dynamite events that everyone is looking forward to this month!

Dallas Spiritual Retreat with Swami Mukundananda
There is no other spiritual experience like a retreat with Swamiji. He demystifies so many difficult and contradictory concepts through his divine lectures and Q/A sessions. In addition, chanting soulful bhajans and reflecting on the purpose of our existence leads to detoxification of the mind and purification of the heart. Parallel activities for children and youth will east your mind of worry about their safety and utilization of time.
After very successful spiritual retreats with Swamiji including the Family Camp, East Coast and West Coast retreats, here is another opportunity for the last retreat of the year. Here are the details:
Dates: November 12th (Friday) noon (CDT) to November 14th (Sunday) noon
Location: Holiday Inn, 1655 N Central Expy., Richardson, TX 75080
Registration: https://www.radhakrishnatemple.net/txretreat
Early Bird registration option available until October 9th! Do not miss! Registration includes hotel, meals, and materials.

Navaratri at RKT
Navratri, an important festival in the Hindu tradition, spans nine nights and is celebrated for different reasons in various parts of India, mostly in honor of the divine Mother Durga, who battled the demon Mahishasura and slayed him on the sixth day. The symbolic significance of Navratri is as important as the religious ritual and festivities. The most important of all is to bring our consciousness closer to the Divine Mother through devotion, humility, and love.
The Radha Krishna Temple continues to serve the devotees locally and globally, bringing hope, devotion and love to their doorstep and hearts. Join us in-person this year to invoke Maa Durga’s blessings.
There will be poojas and special events in the morning and evening. Check the schedule of activities for details and sign up for seva opportunities for poojas.

JKYog Academy’s Purpose of Life - Put to Practice Online Sessions
JKYog Academy offers “Put It To Practice” online sessions on Purpose of Life based on 21-day Challenge conducted by Swamiji in January 2021. Each of the videos for 21 days presents key wisdom related to the purpose of our lives and practical strategies for implementation.
This class series provides participants with an opportunity to learn the application of the practical tools to improve their own lives. Classes are held from Monday-Saturday at 8:00 PM (CDT).

Voices from the Global Community
We would like to share ways in which a member of our global community has been impacted by the scriptural knowledge as taught and disseminated by Swamiji.
This month, we feature Kiran Kali, a Pharmacist who currently lives in Florida. The way he connected with Swamiji and JKYog is also interesting. In 2011, one day Kiran ji went to a temple in Dallas, where he saw a banner of Swamiji’s 7-day lecture series which showed that Swamiji was an alumnus of IIT and IIM. This prompted him to attend the lecture to hear what Swamiji would say. Before attending his lecture, Kiran ji had several doubts about why there were so many Gods in Hinduism unlike other religions, the role of Guru in our lives, what happened to the soul after death, etc. All his questions were answered by Swamiji with in-depth clarity and examples. From that point onward, he has been following Swamiji and his path.
Please watch the video where Kiran ji describes how he benefitted from Swamiji’s teachings.
We invite you to share your inspirations and success stories with us at [email protected].

JKYog Transforming Communities
Here, we share the amazing activities and news about programs conducted by various JKYog centers in the U.S.
JKYog has been a source of inspiration for innumerable devotees around the world. During the recent Life Transformation Program by Swamiji in Dallas, inspired devotees soaked in the knowledge of the science of mind management. In one of the lectures, Swamiji talked about the six principles to understand the mechanics of the mind, including the gap between the mind and the soul and the concept of karmayog.
Numerous participants expressed their heartfelt impressions and take-aways from Swamiji’s week-long program. Brand new devotees Abhinav and Monica described the impact of Swamiji’s words (i.e., Vaani) and how they are learning to bring peace in their lives. Their inspiration has convinced them to participate in the spiritual retreat in November! Similarly, JP Vijaywargi also expressed what he learned from the lecture series and felt happy to be connected to the Radha Krishna Temple.
Even devotees who have followed Swamiji’s teachings for some time were just as impacted by the program. The warm expression of gratitude for the divine knowledge and Swamiji’s accessibility Nilesh’s words is very touching. Gaurav and Gurleen describe how they benefitted from the program and from being a part of the Temple community. Even young children loved the program as is evident in the testimony by twin sisters Jiya and Jaanvi. Many other devotees also provided their testimonies, a vivid demonstration of the positive impact of JKYog and Swamiji’s programs in their lives.

Glimpses of Past Events
Want a glimpse of some of our events? This month we share beautiful glimpses of Life Transformation Program in Dallas held at the Radha Krishna Temple.