From the Editor’s Desk
God has bestowed the priceless gift of the human form but we do not realize its worth due to ignorance. Thus, we have been rotating in this endless cycle of life and death. We take the human form for granted and do not know its value. Many Vedic scriptures including the Bhagavad Gita, elucidate why we must value this form and how to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity.
In this issue of Samarpan, we explore the significance of the gift of the human form through the lens of Vedic knowledge and wisdom (i.e., tatvagyan) taught by Swami Mukundananda. We present another small piece of the vast knowledge and provide practical tools to promote reflection and make the most of this precious gift.

Vedic Wisdom & Application
Theme of the Month
Gift of the Human Form
Reflection Questions
- Why is the Human Form so Precious?
- Why Have We Not Understood the Value of the Human Form?
- How Can We Justify the Human Form?
Many Vedic scriptures frequently highlight the rarity and significance of the human form because it is a vehicle for spiritual growth. We have been blessed with three graces:
- The Human Form. Out of the 8.4 million species of life, receiving the human form is a rare and precious blessing that comes once in many births.
- The Desire for God-Realization. The desire for God-realization or mumukshutva is rarer and is an auspicious benediction. It propels us toward the path of self-inquiry and spiritual practices.
- The Association of a True Saint or Spiritual Guide. The guidance of a true saint or Guru is invaluable and the highest of all blessings. Still, the other two would be impossible without the first grace (i.e., the human form).
Why is the Human Form so Precious?
Sage Bhartrihari said that if humans do not utilize these three divine graces for spiritual elevation, there would be no difference between them and the animals. He said something even more drastic, i.e., animals are more evolved in some ways. Unlike humans, animals eat only as much as needed to satiate hunger but do not overeat for emotional satisfaction. Animals also sleep as per the biorhythm whereas humans sleep for excessive comfort without discipline. Similarly, animals mate only for offspring whereas humans mate indiscriminately as per their sensual desire and degrade their minds, intellect, and soul. Finally, animals attack to defend themselves or their young ones but humans attack others to exercise their rights or meet their self-interest.
Humans must live beyond basic instincts to make the most of this priceless form.
Faculty of Discrimination. The human form is endowed with the faculty of knowledge to accomplish a higher purpose – to elevate and become eligible to serve God/Guru. We have been blessed with the ability to discern right from wrong and the transient from the eternal. This faculty of discrimination (i.e., vivek) is crucial for higher reasoning, self-reflection, and spiritual inquiry, and is available only in the human form. Thus, we must use it to rise above our lower nature and seek the bliss that is eternal, ever-increasing, and ever-fresh. As Shree Krishna told Arjun:
शक्नोतीहैव य: सोढुं प्राक्शरीरविमोक्षणात् |
कामक्रोधोद्भवं वेगं स युक्त: स सुखी नर: || 23||shaknotihaiva yah sodhum prak sharira-vimokshanat
kama-krodhodbhavam vegam sa yuktah sa sukhi narahThose persons are yogis, who before giving up the body are able to check the forces of desire and anger; and they alone are happy (BG 5.23).
When we wisely utilize the God-given gift of the human form, then we start asking profound questions like: Who am I? Why have I been born on earth? Having received the human form, what is my duty? What is my goal in life? How will I attain my goal? Which Guru will help me to accomplish my goal? It is such spiritual inquiry that attracts divine grace. Then, God connects us with a true Guru who teaches us the spiritual practice needed to attain God. This includes various devotional activities (i.e., bhakti), meditation, contemplation, and other activities that help to purify the mind. Only when the mind becomes pure, can we become capable of attaining God.
Capacity for Fruit-Bearing Karmas. Unlike other life forms, only humans can perform fruit-bearing karmas (i.e., purusharth). In other words, neither the lower species nor the celestial gods can strive for one of the two divine destinations for the soul – Brahmananda (i.e., bliss of the formless aspect of God) or Premanand (i.e., bliss of the personal form of God).
From a spiritual perspective, the lower species evolve higher up toward the human form. However, the celestial gods who surpass humans in physical, mental, and intellectual faculties, pine for the human form because they are devoid of the freedom to engage in purusharth. The celestial gods in heaven, are in the Bhog Yoni, that is, they reap the results of past merits which keep depleting with time. Thus, they gradually fall downward in the hierarchy when all their merits have depleted. They realize their mistake and aspire to be born as a human again and perform sadhana to attain God.
Thus, the human form is supreme because God-realization is possible only in this form. We must take advantage of the opportunity to engage in devotion, surrender to God, and thus, attain the final destination of God-realization. However, we are not fully convinced about the value of the human form.
Why Have We Not Understood the Value of the Human Form?
Failure to understand the value of the human form can boil down to several factors:
Ignorance. A lack of proper knowledge or awareness about the uniqueness and purpose of the human form can lead to not fully appreciating the significance and potential of this opportunity. A consequence of ignorance is that we fail to utilize the human form for spiritual growth leading to repeated cycles of birth and death. This cycle is marked by suffering and the continuous pursuit of transient pleasures, which ultimately do not bring lasting happiness.
The lines of a beautiful kirtan by Jagadguru Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj “Milat Nahi, Nara Tanu Baarambar,” explain this point very poignantly. It says, “This human body is not obtained frequently. As a very, very rare occurrence, the Merciful Lord, by his causeless mercy, gives the soul a human birth. Even the celestial gods beg for the human body. Realize its value before it is too late and engage yourself in the loving remembrance of the Merciful Lord, Shree Krishna.” If we remember this knowledge at all times, we will focus only on higher goals.
Attachment to Material Pleasures. Being engrossed in pursuing material pleasures and temporary gratifications can distract us from recognizing the higher purpose of the human form. When we focus solely on fulfilling sensory desires, we overlook the spiritual aspect and fail to realize the true value of this precious human life. As Shree Krishna explained to Arjun the danger of seeking sensual enjoyment:
भोगैश्वर्यप्रसक्तानां तयापहृतचेतसाम् |
व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धि: समाधौ न विधीयते || 44||bhogaiswvarya-prasaktanam tayapahrita-chetasam
vyavasayatmika buddhih samadhau na vidhiyateWith their minds deeply attached to worldly pleasures and their intellects bewildered by such things, they are unable to possess the resolute determination for success on the path to God (BG 2.44).
- Powerful Influence of Maya. Maya, the powerful material energy of God clouds our perception and creates a false sense of satisfaction in mundane activities. It deceives us into believing that worldly achievements and pleasures are the ultimate goals, preventing us from realizing the deeper purpose of human existence. The material mind made of Maya deeply desires fame, recognition, and other rajasic attributes. It makes us forget our true identity as the eternal servant of God. No matter how intelligent, no one can conquer Maya with their effort. Only divine grace can enable souls to be free from the clutches of Maya.
- Lack of Spiritual Guidance. In Spiritual Secrets From Hinduism, Swamiji explained the role of the Guru in eliminating ignorance. Without guidance from a true Guru, we will not grasp the significance of the human form and remain unaware of the potential for spiritual growth. By seeking true knowledge and spiritual guidance, we can gradually detach ourselves from material distractions, develop a deeper understanding of the purpose of life, and appreciate the immense value of the human form. As Shree Krishna said to Arjun:
नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते |
स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् || 40||
nehabhikrama-nasho ’sti pratyavayo na vidyate
svalpam apyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat
Working in this state of consciousness, there is no loss or adverse result, and even a little effort saves one from great danger (BG 2.40).
Swamiji beautifully explains that we fail to realize that we may not receive the human form in the next life if we engage in activities that degrade the soul. Therefore, we must not be complacent but utilize the faculty of knowledge for a higher purpose.
How Can We Justify the Human Form?
The human form can be justified by realizing these gems of knowledge by Swamiji.
- How We Utilize the Faculty of Knowledge. We have been blessed with the capacity for intellectual discernment (i.e., vivek). This faculty allows us to explore the Absolute Truth and make informed decisions, especially when we realize the temporary nature of the human form and life itself. There is no guarantee for its length. Each day after reaching adulthood, we lose a small amount of the capacity of the organs in the body. The physical body gradually moves toward death. Keeping this knowledge will help us to make better choices in life.
- How We Exercise the Freedom of Choice. Unlike other life forms, humans have been given the dignity of choice. How we choose our thoughts, actions, and behaviors illustrates whether we utilize the freedom of choice with discernment. If we postpone our spiritual goals for a later time, we may lose the opportunity to make good choices. Making wise choices indicates that we value the human form and the opportunity to evolve and grow to the highest potential.
- How We Utilize the Potential for Evolution. The human form provides us with the opportunity for spiritual growth and evolution of the soul. We must assess whether we are utilizing our intellect and knowledge to strive for higher goals to elevate our soul, or getting caught up in mundane things and seeking pleasure in low-level activities that degrade the soul. We learned divine knowledge from numerous saints over innumerable lifetimes but did not cross over the cycle of life and death. Now is our opportunity!
In summary, Swamiji beautifully explains that having been given the human form, our primary duty is to purify the mind and become our best version. We must develop a deep love for our eternal parents – God/Guru. We must do our worldly duties with detachment but keep the ultimate goal in mind to make the most of the human form. There is incredible hope in realizing that even if we do not accomplish our spiritual goal in this life, God considers our intention, preserves our spiritual assets, graces us with human birth, and enables us to continue the journey from where we left off. Thus, we can avert the danger of falling into the lower species of life provided we utilize the divine knowledge, freedom of choice, and the potential for the evolution of the soul.

Tools for Your Personal Growth
Are we making the most of God’s gift of the human form? Use this tool to assess yourself. A downloadable tracking sheet is available for you to use.

Are we making the most of God’s gift of the human form? Use this tool to assess yourself.

Love to Hear from You
- How did you apply the Vedic Wisdom?
- What challenges did you experience in the process?
Please share your comments under “Join the Discussion” below.

Gems of Wisdom from Swamiji
Here are a few YouTube video titles with related links and books where Swamiji has described the importance of the human form.
- The UNTOLD Connection between a Purposeful Life and a Happy Life
- The one MOST POWERFUL Story that will CHANGE your Life | Bhagavad Gita 2.40
- Mukundananda, S. (2024). Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism: Essence of the Vedic Scriptures. Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd: New Delhi, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2023). The Art & Science of Happiness, Penguin Random House India: GuruGram, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2022). The Power of Thoughts, Penguin Random House: Gurugram, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2022). Bhagavad Gita – The Song of God, Westland Publications: Chennai, India.

Hold Your Breath! Check out Upcoming Events
We are very excited to share a dynamite event this month!

Dallas Yoga Fest
Dallas Yoga Fest will be your guide to holistic health and happiness featuring 30+ hours of sessions by experts in yoga, meditation, holistic health, nutrition, internal medicine, heart health, and alternative medicine!
This unique and unparalleled event has numerous themed features including:
- Swami Mukundananda’s enlightening keynote address (live Broadcast)
- Yoga sessions for general well-being and specialized care
- Deep breathing, pranayam, and meditations
- Sound healing concert with Suren Shrestha
- Educational seminars by health professionals
- Ayurvedic workshop on Journey to Wellness
- Health Fair – Free screenings. No insurance, no problem!
- Healthy Cooking Contest
- 108 Surya Namaskar at the crack of dawn
- Amazing marketplace for your holistic health under one roof
- Hare Ram Mahamantra Chanting
- Special Father's Day Sunday Satsang (live Broadcast)
We encourage you to register for the program to help us plan for space and parking for all the guests and participants.

JKYog Transforming Communities
Here, we share news about programs conducted by various JKYog centers in the U.S.
JKYog’s Swami Mukundananda Exclusive (SMEx)
Swami Mukundananda Exclusive is truly the most heart-warming and exclusive opportunity to connect one-on-one with Swamiji. This community of spiritual aspirants is exclusive in that people sign up for membership to connect with Swamiji live, and benefit from his knowledge and guidance. Despite Swamiji's extremely tight schedule, he so graciously takes time out to meet with all his devotees twice a month to discuss issues of great concern to people. New members continue to join regularly on this platform to connect with Swamiji.
Some meetings are scheduled exclusively for Q/A with devotees, whereas others are on specific topics where Swamiji presents a talk followed by an opportunity for people to clarify doubts. Swamiji provides direct guidance on matters ranging from divine wisdom of the scriptures to personal challenges in life. With guidance from Swamiji, all members experience inner bliss and are very grateful for the opportunity to associate with a divine personality.
Those interested in signing up for membership can register at the SMEx website.