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7 Divine Laws to Awaken your best self by Swami Mukundananda

Happy New Year! We are thrilled to announce the launch of Swamiji’s new book, 7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self released by Rupa Publication. In this book, Swamiji lays out the seven spiritual laws that empower us to reach our infinite potential.

The Vedic scriptures teach us that the gross body and the soul need each other to exist. Furthermore, we need both material science and spiritual science—the material science ensures proper maintenance of the body while spiritual science is required for proper evolution of the soul.

It doesn’t need to be mentioned that we all identify ourselves as the body. As such to live comfortably, we learn the laws of our culture and society and abide by them. For instance, we learn to dress appropriately, talk respectfully, drive on the correct side of the road, etc. If we don’t follow them, we must face the consequences in some form or the other.

This book discusses seven of the most important divine laws, and how to enrich our life by applying them.


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