Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog
The Beginning
JKYog is a part of the worldwide mission envisioned by Jagadguru Kripaluji Shree Maharaj, the 5th authentic 'Jagadguru', spiritual master of the world. Shree Maharajji as he is lovingly referred to by all his devotees, was one of the most endearing divine personalities of the last 90 years who dedicated his entire life for the service of humanity, especially for the spiritual upliftment of the society.
35 Cities, 15 States, 10 Years
Since its inception in 2009, JKYog has been successfully hosting spiritual, yoga and meditation programs across many states in the country. Led by founder Swami Mukundananda, a renowned teacher of holistic health through yoga, meditation and spiritual knowledge, JKYog strives to help individuals & communities lead better lives through spiritual enrichment.
Divine Knowledge
As an organization established to fulfil the objectives envisaged by Shri Maharajji, JKYog aims to serve the society with the true knowledge of spirituality and Yoga, as prescribed in the original Hindu scriptures to help attain spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. JKYog is one of the fast growing spiritual and charitable organizations in USA with a 501(c)(3) accreditation and is based in Plano, TX.
Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas
From a humble beginning of 5 cities in 2009, JKYog has taken its vision and teachings to over 35 cities across 15 states in just 4 years. Over the last few years, Swami Mukundananda and JKYog have pioneered the ground breaking, “Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog” – a holistic system of Yoga that incorporates physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual health treatment systems.